Thursday, July 28, 2016



Those were a few words of our great president of the United States of American Mr Barak Obama as my wife and I watch with deep emotions going through us at the TV like nothing else in the world mattered at that time. If someone could of captured our concentration as the President spoke at the DNC convention last night it would of showed aw and admiration. The President gave the greatest heart felt speech one could ever hear last night. A few nights before his wonderful wife the first lady Michelle Obama also gave probably the best emotional and personal speech one could give while both making the case for Hilary Clinton to be the next President of the United States.

Before the President walked on stage last night a video was shown to recap his time in office for the purpose that this would be his last convention speech before as he put it, pass the baton to his successor Secretary of State Mrs Hilary Clinton to be our next President of the United States. As soon as that video started to play, I knew that it would be a testament to the accomplishments during his time in office and I tweeted, "to those who do not think the President accomplished anything during his time in office you all should be watching the DNC convention right now." I dont care if your a democrat or republican a independent or socialist, if you seen this introduction video of the President and it did not move you in anyway to feel proud or give you a sense of the true character of our President then you have no idea or understanding of what a true leader is.

To view full speech please refer to

That was a very powerful introduction and it spoke VOLUMES for Mr President. As I mentioned earlier the first lady Michelle Obama also gave a awesome speech the previous night. Although there were many profound statements made in her speech, I think the most profound is when she reflected on her as a mother raising her two beautiful girls in a house that was built by slaves. Information that I'm sure a lot of us did not know about the White House, I sure didn't. Here is the speech from the first lady. AWESOME

Every scenes Obama came into office I have become more and more interested in politics. One of the things I have learned is that politics can be a very emotional subject for many people. I have had a lot of debates and conversations with many people about politics and most of the time they have become heated or emotional.  Many times I have proven my point and many times I had to stop because I just did not know enough information to keep the debate going and after research found myself to be wrong in a few cases. So this is why I have come to the conclusion to join my local Democratic club. I want to become more educated on what goes on in politics. The good the bad and the ugly.

Now let me say this to those who support trump and really think about this and really get the jest of it. No leader in the world out side the united states wants trump to become our next president except the Russian president vladimir putin. Now either trump is ignorant to the reason for this or he has a terrible agenda for the US and vladimir is a part of that agenda. For whatever reason it is vladimir looks to use trump to gain some type of advantage over America because trump has expressed admiration for putin in many occassion and I think putin looks to capitalize on that. This will affect all of us including you trump supporters if trump becomes president. Trump supporters you all should really put that in perspective along with all the other nonsence trump spits out of his mouth and do some soul searching and make a decision based on morals and facts.

So once again my people "DONT BOO, VOTE"

Maurice Williams
Independent Director of IDlife

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

VIDEO: How Supplements Help Prevent Disease |

Listen to Dr. Whitaker on why vitamins are essential to your health in preventing diseases. To learn more about what supplements YOU may need, I recommend taking a free confidential health assessment.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Weight Issues in Your Family? What You Can Do?

Roughly two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Obesity results when body fat accumulates over time and as a result calories taken in exceed calories expended. It can run in families and is associated with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and certain cancers.
Sociologists say evolution is partly to blame. Historically, food was scarce and our bodies fended off starvation by becoming effective fat storage machines. Losing weight was a stressor.

Today, food is relatively abundant, but we live much more sedentary lives. Gone are the long tiring days of working hard in the fields. Many of us earn a living sitting in front of a computer screen and eating far more calories than we burn which could account for why obesity has reached epidemic proportions.
The science of weight loss is still emerging. Researchers are learning that other factors—including heredity—affect how the body responds to and processes food. Hormones seem to play a role and scientists are also investigating the naturally occurring bacteria in our intestines. (Apparently, some bacteria absorb more fat than others.)
Many genes are also associated with the development of obesity and seem to regulate how our bodies capture, store, and release energy from food. So an overweight person might be fighting more than his inability to control what he puts in his mouth and how much he exercises.

Recent studies suggest that varying satiety levels and the desire to eat higher-calorie foods may also be influenced by heredity. Unfair as it seems, some people are biologically protected against accumulating extra fat while others are prone to accumulating it.
Determining how much is genetic and how much is learned behavior (family eating habits, food preferences, seeking comfort or reward from food, etc.) is another complex piece of the puzzle.


Sweet Tooth? Blame It On Your Mother and Then Hit the Gym

Scientists first identified the FTO gene—”fat mass and obesity-associated” gene—several years ago. But according to Frank DiPino, PhD, a professor of biology at Misericordia University in Pennsylvania the picture isn’t yet clear.
“The FTO gene does appear to increase appetite and preference for high calorie foods, but there’s still a lot we don’t know about it.”
Erin Keen-Rhinehart, a neuroscientist at Susquehanna University explains that although the FTO gene is produced in the areas of the brain that are responsible for appetite regulation and increases in response to food deprivation, in human studies it resulted in an average of less than two pounds of weight gain.
“The FTO gene is merely a risk factor for developing obesity and responsible for only modest increases in body weight,” says the Pennsylvania-based scientist.
Keen-Rhinehart, DiPino and other experts agree that the negative implications of having the FTO gene are well counteracted by physical exercise.
“It’s not just about adding more exercise,” says professor DiPino. “It appears that exercise alters the FTO gene in a good way. It turns down the volume so it does less damage.”


Why Is Dieting So Difficult?

We all know that exercise is important for overall health and weight loss. The formula is simple: Eat less calories and exercise more. So what makes losing weight such a difficult task?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is tremendous variation in an individual’s response to fat, sugar, and carbohydrates. Plus, a number of biological and genetic factors are involved in determining how much food is too much for any individual.
Science is also starting to reveal some distressing news about the weight-reduced body. It appears that a dieter’s body is metabolically different—in a negative way—than a similar-size body that has not dieted.

(Important fact to know) Changes that occur after weight loss can translate to a huge caloric disadvantage of 250 to 400 calories. In one study, muscle biopsies taken before, during, and after weight loss showed that in some people, muscle fibers undergo a transformation which makes them burn 20 to 25 percent fewer calories during everyday activity and moderate aerobic exercise than those of a person who is naturally at the same weight. In other words, it’s possible that the person who is naturally at the same weight as a dieter can actually eat more and still retain his weight.
Dieters not only have to exert tremendous will power to avoid fattening foods, but they also have to work harder to burn calories. No wonder so many throw in the towel!
Until science comes up with more solutions to our weight-loss woes, watch what you eat, and always be vigilant about exercise. “Weight is a multi-factor, complicated issue,” says DiPino.  ”Science is on the right track but, all the parts have yet to come together. ”

Please join me in IDlife and become healthier and wealthier. Do what you have to do to avoid being a part of some of the statistics that is spoken of in the blog post. Join now at IDlife the movement

Reference: Ann Matturro Gault, QualityHealth’s

Friday, April 29, 2016

Average people are succeeding with IDlife

By now you have either joined my team, became a customer, or are still wondering
if IDlife is right for you. I am building my team and becoming healthier and healthier with idlife every day.  If you are sick of all the garbage on the Net, with all the false claims and promises, then IDlife will be a breath of fresh air to you.

The problem with most programs, they just don’t work for the average
person. The only people who succeed are the marketing pros and if you are new to the Net, new to Internet Marketing or computer challenged, you don’t stand a chance with 99% of these programs.

IDlife has been working for many, many people and I have not experienced anything like it since I been in the marketing field. whether you are new to marketing and want to make some extra money or you just want to become healthier IDlife  can help you reach your goal. 

Now, that isn’t to say all you have to do is join and watch the money
roll-in. It does take effort on your part, but you will be amazed how
simple IDlife can be because the products sell their selves. These are some of the facts that have been working for me since I been involved with IDlife

1. I have found the products that work for me.

2. The IDnutritional supplements are customized based upon answers you place in a HIPAA compliant online survey

3. Idlife products are derived from the highest quality of ingredients

4. IDLife has some of the best leaders and teachers I ever come across!

5. The compensation plan is the best I have ever seen.

6. Average people like me are succeeding unlike so many other biz opps!

This video touches on our main product IDnutrition

This is your chance to finally get involved with a real company with real products that work. There are many reports of People getting healthy and making huge incomes.

For me, the joy of seeing my team members succeed and become healthier is the
ultimate reward. There is a very big chance that IDlife can help you achieve the same results.
If you still need more information – after doing your research…
then contact me – 3216969223


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Why Is Dieting So Difficult?

We all know that exercise is important for overall health and weight loss. The formula is simple: Eat less calories and exercise more. So what makes losing weight such a difficult task?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is tremendous variation in an individual’s response to fat, sugar, and carbohydrates. Plus, a number of biological and genetic factors are involved in determining how much food is too much for any individual.
Science is also starting to reveal some distressing news about the weight-reduced body. It appears that a dieter’s body is metabolically different—in a negative way—than a similar-size body that has not dieted.

(Important fact to know) Changes that occur after weight loss can translate to a huge caloric disadvantage of 250 to 400 calories. In one study, muscle biopsies taken before, during, and after weight loss showed that in some people, muscle fibers undergo a transformation which makes them burn 20 to 25 percent fewer calories during everyday activity and moderate aerobic exercise than those of a person who is naturally at the same weight. In other words, it’s possible that the person who is naturally at the same weight as a dieter can actually eat more and still retain his weight.
Dieters not only have to exert tremendous will power to avoid fattening foods, but they also have to work harder to burn calories. No wonder so many throw in the towel!

One thing to know is if your putting the proper nutrients in your body your body will do what it was designed to do.  Getting started with IDlife nutrition might be the most important decision you could make today. Get started now.

Until science comes up with more solutions to our weight-loss woes, watch what you eat take your supplements, and always be vigilant about exercise. “Weight is a multi-factor, complicated issue,” says DiPino.  ”Science is on the right track but, all the parts have yet to come together. ”

Monday, April 25, 2016

Fear of the unknown stops a lot of new affiliates in their tracks.

Regardless of being a new marketer with your first home business or being a seasoned pro adding additional income or changing programs, we all go through a massive learning curve. The first few days are fun and exciting as you read through product details, take video, webinars, or group call training, and your sponsor is sharing all sorts of new information to help you get started. We get fired up and ready to roll and then……. Many sputter, stumble, and stutter.
That first moment the training wheels come off and it’s time to get to work in any business can be very scary. Fact is the fear of the unknown stops a lot of new affiliates in their tracks. They are afraid they didn’t read the materials correctly, scared to discuss the opportunity, unsure about how to approach people. If you haven’t entered a business you are a passionate customer of,  you may even have trust issues with putting your reputation out there. Don’t worry, every affiliate before you has had these feelings. Instead make a plan and stick to it, and remind yourself this is a JOB, and REAL WORK. Being involved with a opportunity like IDlife takes a lot of that fear from you. The products sell itself. We have the best products in the health and wellness industry. IDLife products are derived from the highest quality ingredients

It’s funny how many people handle sales or meetings, calls etc.. for companies in their 9-5 life who suddenly when it was online and for them, they got scared and couldn’t do those same task. The mindset you need is the same mindset you use working for anyone. This is a job duty, I must do it, and failure is not an option because if I don’t do it I will not be working here very long. Sure, you’re your own boss but you are also your only employee.

The best advice I can give you is when fear opens it’s mouth shut it with determination. Buckle down
and just do it. Eventually those fears get easier to ignore and your business will start to hum along.


We hear a lot about how important it is to get and stay motivated if we want to be successful. Important as it is, no one feels motivated all the time. Sometimes it may feel like we can’t get inspired at all, while other times our inspiration comes, but only for a fleeting moment. What are we supposed to do when we’re feeling down, tired, stressed out, or like even the bare minimum is asking too much? Motivation can be a bit of a catch-22; we need it to feel better, but we need to feel better to get it. The fact is that if we want to reach our goals and feel successful, we can’t wait around for motivation to happen, we have to create it-but how? First, we need to know that being motivated doesn’t necessarily mean we’re 100% psyched to get up and get to the gym, that we jump out of bed every morning eager to get to work, or that we make breakfast for our families with a big, happy smile on our faces. It does mean that whatever we’re feeling, we keep in mind how important these things really are in the bigger picture and commit to doing them, even when we’re missing the spark of inspiration.

The Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

“One is Bad. It is anger, envy,jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

“The other is Good. it is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute, and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Everyone comes up against unexpected obstacles and setbacks along the way to achieving their goals. These bumps in the road are a natural part of our growth and progress. Our track record already proves that we are capable of overcoming obstacles, and even using them to our advantage. By honoring our hard work, giving ourselves room to make mistakes, and utilizing our support system and self-support, we can work
through any challenges that arise and come through them with an even greater sense of determination. We can look at every challenge we face as an opportunity to become more conscious of our choices and the effect they are having on our lives.

Take the assessment now and start feeding the right wolf.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Motivation is needed on a regular basis to stay focused.

Another great motivation video from E.T Eric Thomas. I love listening to this guy. When ever I’m feeling down and out or like things are not going fast enough for me or the way I would like for them to go I listen to this guy. He gets me motivated enough to keep pushing, keep trying and staying focused. I have listened to a lot of motivational speakers and I like E.T the best because he puts so much energy into his speeches. It just gets you pumped.
If it was easy, everybody would do it.